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God Gives Me Vision


Do you wake up feeling as if you have left something behind? Maybe it's your dreams of all the things you wanted to do, be and have in life? Or are you at that place in life you know that greater things are in front of you and you're searching for the path? God has already given you a vision that fits his purpose for your life in this world of evolution. The world changes every second your life goes through its own evolution every second you become a second older. So it's now time for you to asked a question am I living in God's purpose. 


Turn that feeling into faith, learn to recognize the doors of opportunity, and have the intuitive knowing to walk through them. Having faith alone will not reveal you're true purpose. You must do something; you have to work towards that desire empowered by you will face. 


You probably already know that God has a higher purpose in your life than just being born and hoping you die; as a Christian, Hoping you receive favor from God. Your purpose is to live, gain a greater understanding of yourself, how your life fits, and God's purpose. This book goes through gaining a greater understanding of your goals and using visualization meditation to improve your spiritual communication with God. 

God Gives Me Vision

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